Formazione finanziata

Funded Education


First Class is recognized by the Marche region as an Accredited Educational Body in accordance with Decree no. 646/SIM dated 15/12/14.

This accreditation grants access to Chamber of Commerce, regional and EU funding to companies, professionals and individuals willing to invest in education.

With considerable experience in the management of Interprofessional Funds and organizing ESF funded courses, First Class specializes in corporate training.

Courses financed by Interprofessional Funds: these are a real opportunity for corporate training, which is funded by Joint Funds, associative organizations supported by the Social Partners.

Thanks to its professional team, First Class is able to guide companies throughout the whole process, helping them at both educational and organizational levels. First Class can:

  • Find the most suitable professional fund for the company
  • Analyze the educational needs of the company
  • Determine the educational goals and find the most appropriate teaching method
  • Draw up the corporate training program required to apply for Interprofessional Funds
  • Manage the bureaucratic and administrative processes related to the funds, accounting and reviewing the expenses involved
  • Manage and monitor the educational and organizational aspects: find the teachers, the mentors and the certifications.

All expenses are financed by the fund: our consultation and the courses are completely free for the company.


ESF Courses 

ESF courses are funded by the European Social Fund. These courses are for: independent contractors, groups, industrial sectors, unions, public administrations and companies. One of the targets is vulnerable social groups who struggle to find and keep their jobs, such as women and the long-term unemployed. It is estimated that over 9 million people from vulnerable social groups are helped every year thanks to ESF projects.


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